Ancient History (1250 BC) The Cat of Bubastes (G.A. Henty Audiobook)


A Story of Ancient Egypt, 1250 BC
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Tales of History & Adventure

The Cat of Bubastes

Setting: 1250 B.C. – Egypt.

Story: This book covers the oldest time period of any of the Henty novels. In it, young readers will learn much about the domestic life, customs, religion, and military system of ancient Egypt. Amuba, a prince of the Rebu nation on the shores of the Caspian Sea, with his charioteer Jethro, is carried into slavery after losing a battle with the Egyptians. They become servants of the house of Ameres, an Egyptian high priest, and are quite happy there, until the priest’s son accidentally kills the sacred cat of Bubastes. The locals rise up in rage and kill Ameres, and Jethro and Amuba must escape with the high priest’s son and daughter. After crossing the desert to the Red Sea, they eventually make their way to freedom.

When people ask us for recommendations for good books for boys, our first thought is usually G.A. Henty. Why? His heroes are fantastic role models of the manly virtues, yet likeable and adventurous and every bit of the history you learn is real. Henty was an Army officer, war correspondent, a historian who began telling these stories to his own children. He was known for writing with stacks of primary source documents surrounding him and you’ll be hard pressed to find a historical error of any kind. And they are just plain fun!

Written in the late 1900s, the language can be a bit challenging for some boys (but it’s so good for them), so we recommend audiobooks! Our friend Jim Hodges does a wonderful unabridged version (you don’t want to miss a word!) and we are delighted to sell them!

These are the books the Young boys grew up on — enjoy!

~Hal & Melanie Young