Welcome Friends!
We are so thankful for you! When you join our community of thousands of email subscribers, you can immediately download our Homeschooling High School Resource Set…
It includes Homeschooling High School, an hour long workshop that will help you plan out a high school course and help you record it all on a transcript that any college will accept!
AND, you will get our Editable High School Template FREE!!
Plus, you will be able to download our College Decision Resource Packet that pulls together all kinds of information you need in helping your child make this important decision!
Finally, you’ll get a discount code worth $10 on not just our master class for teens and their parents, PreFlight, which starts October 4th, but any of our classes for parents, including Boyhood Boot Camp, for parents of boys eight and under, and Boot Camp 9-12, for parents of tweens and young teens.
Sign up right here:

to Our Homeschooling High School Resource Set now!
Get all these great resources we've developed as we've homeschooled high school with six of our children.
Your friends,
Hal & Melanie