Homeschooling from the Beginning Bundle
Homeschooling from the Beginning Bundle
Just getting started homeschooling? Here are some great resources to get you started right: four great, practical, encouraging workshops for only $15 – it’s like getting one free!
Homeschooled From the Beginning: What to Do When Your Children are Young
(Melanie) A Favorite for Parents of Preschoolers You’ve made the decision–your child will be homeschooled from Day One. Good for you! But should you start at a young age? Is it wise to even try? How do you know when to get started and what to do first? Melanie Young has raised precocious readers and late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. This session can give you a new perspective on how to relax and introduce your little ones to the joy of learning in a gentle and realistic way.
NEW! Three Simple Goals for Your First Year
Over years of calls from new homeschoolers, Melanie Young learned that there were three things that successful families accomplished in their first year of homeschooling. Learn how to make through without jerking anybody bald-headed – including yourself!
Diapers, Playdough, and Microscopes
(Melanie) Sometimes homeschooling feels like one of those plate-spinning acts and you wonder how in the world you are going to meet everyone’s needs. The baby needs to be changed, the toddler is playing in the toilet, your high schooler is impatiently waiting for you to help with his biology experiment, and two other children say, “I can’t do anything else without you, Mom.” Melanie Young, mother of eight (ages 19 to infant), shares encouragement and ideas for how to keep all of those plates spinning at once without your life spinning out of control. Learn how to raise independent learners, how to keep the household moving, and how to make sure the little ones get enough attention. You can’t get all of high school done while your baby takes a 90 minute nap. Come hear how Melanie manages it all.
Homeschooling and the Pursuit of Happiness
(Hal) Homeschooling is a task that demands dedication, discipline, self-sacrifice and time. According to several research studies, though, homeschooling parents and their students are finding significant happiness and satisfaction in the experience. What gives? Find out in this unusual session.