
Teaching the Manly Virtue of Controlling Your Mouth – and Heart
I just read a news article about a young newscaster on the air for the first - and last - time at his first job out of college. His first words on the air were a blast of profanity. Oh, he didn't know his microphone was on, but part of a reporter's training is to…
The Joy of Big Boys
[caption id="attachment_6735" align="alignleft" width="300"] Training the next brother to work the booth.[/caption] We're getting ready to fly out to California for the CHEA Bay Area Homeschool Convention this weekend. I'm still part time on crutches, but as I was thinking through the trip, I realized I'm not worried. See, we're taking two of our teens…
A Christian’s Parrot
There's an old saying that it takes a real Christian to leave his parrot with the town gossip. A test of real virtue is what we do when no one's looking. And evidence of our true self is left behind in the places no one is expected to go. I read that Tim Tebow decided to get rid…
What About Sports?
Neither of us has ever been particularly athletic, though we've always enjoyed watching football since we're both from Clemson families. When you have a lot of boys, though, the question of sports comes up pretty quickly. Here are some advantages of doing sports with your boys: They need the exercise. God made boys active. They'll…
Great News on Shyness & a Winner!
Great news! JoJo Tabares has announced they are doing an encore live presentation of 7 Ways to Help Your Child Overcome Shyness webinar next month for all those who couldn't get in this month! Congratulations to Vicki Barnes who won the Say What You Mean: Overcoming Social Anxiety!
I see you there. Worried that Facebook failed during the most exciting evening of your year, that you've lost your mind, or that Smithfield, NC, has been eaten by a gigantic sinkhole. Never fear.... The party has moved over to the A Cry From Egypt Facebook page -- the home of our dear friend and new…
One Year Membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com
SchoolhouseTeachers.com is a members-only website by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. We have 17 Schoolhouse Teachers who offer lessons daily, weekly, or monthly for preschool through high school. Members also have access to the Schoolhouse Planners and past recorded Schoolhouse Expos. YOU COULD WIN A YEAR'S MEMBERSHIP TO SchoolhouseTeachers.com - a $64.26 value  
Win a Poem Written in Your Honor
Have you ever wanted a poem written in your honor? During the heights of the Renaissance, artists, poets, and composers were often supported by noblemen and royalty, in return for masterful works of art being completed in the patron's honor. Well.... tonight might just be your chance to play the role of one of those…
Map Quest from Knowledge Quest
Have you ever been teaching a history lesson when one of your children pipes up with a question: ʺMom, is Carthage a city in Oregon or some other country?ʺ  Oh dear, you think to yourself, and then calmly explain, ʺHoney, first of all, Oregon is a state, not a country. And Carthage no longer exists,…
I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist Curriculum from Apologia
I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist - book and workbook by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler Introducing Apologia’s first apologetics curriculum for high school students! Based on Norman Geisler and Frank Turek’s best-selling book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, this study will prepare teens and young adults to…