Hang on for the freebie for everyone and give-away, too, at the bottom of the post to celebrate our nomination for Book of the Year... You know what I hate? I have this huuuuge stack of books waiting for review on our site on my bedside table and an even bigger one on the bookshelf…
Dear Ones, Many of you will have heard that Ken Ham was recently "disinvited" to speak at the remaining conferences sponsored by Great Homeschool Conferences Inc. and prevented from exhibiting there. We want to assure you that the concern over the teachings of Peter Enns is substantial, and needs to be discussed. Whether or not there was an Adam…
Catherine Jaime, a terrific storyteller, brings a completely unique perspective to the Corps of Discovery with her new book, York Proceeded On. York, the manservant and slave of William Clark of the famous Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the new Louisiana Purchase. This engaging book, based on years of study of the expedition is historically accurate wtih regards to the expedition, but takes poetic license in imagining what life was like for York in later years after he gained his freedom.
Everyone thinks they know about Leonardo da Vinci. We hear all sorts of things about him - from the specious Da Vinci Code to descriptions of him as the perfect Renaissance man, but most of us have a very vague picture of who he really is. Catherine McGrew Jaime opens a window into the early life…
Welcome to the Carnival of Homeschooling! Liberty, and especially the freedom to parent our children as we choose, is something that can't ever be taken for granted. After hearing this week about a family in Spain being sentenced to jail for successfully homeschooling their child, it was a pleasure to see homeschoolers fighting for their…
[caption id="attachment_2721" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Can you hear what she's saying?"][/caption] In another scientific confirmation of what you already knew or thought to be true, researchers at Indiana University found that men pay more attention to a female news anchor if she's dressed attractively, but remember less of what she said. So what does that say…
As a young adult, I had very mixed feelings about New Year's celebrations. There didn't seem to be much redeeming value in the wild celebration of the end of the year and then a grim, ascetic commitment to New Year's resolutions that never seemed to last long. As is our family's wont, though, we started…
From time to time it's helpful to ask, and try to answer, the question of just what is a "real man." I recently saw a book criticizing the commercialization of boyhood. The cover artwork showed a hapless young man about ten or twelve years old. He was wearing a football helmet, shoulder pads, and Superman…
Yesterday's stanza was the voice of shepherds who heard the angels. Today's verse is the question of those who only heard the shepherds: [caption id="attachment_2541" align="aligncenter" width="340" caption="Adoration of the Shepherds, Matthias Stomer, 1635-40, NC Museum of Art"][/caption] Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong? What the gladsome tidings be Which inspire…
[caption id="attachment_2484" align="aligncenter" width="255" caption="Rembrandt, "The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds," etching, 1634"][/caption] Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation; O sing, all ye citizens of heaven above! Glory to God, all glory in the highest; Angels are God's messengers, and they appear all through the story of Christ's birth -- the angel Gabriel explained…