How to Be a Mother

Photo of Frightened Little Girl Under Blanket with Flashlight
Q&A How do you deal with scared kids at night?
A mom in one of my Facebook groups asked, How do you deal with scared kids at night? my child comes into our room nearly every night terrified - scared of the dark, scared of nightmares, all kinds of things. People tell me to put him in bed and spank him if he gets out,…
Gestational Diabetes
Many years ago, I posted this on my first blog. I find myself still linking to it again and again, so I thought it was high time to move it over here. Gestational diabetes continues to be a big problem among the young moms I know, even though some people don't think gestational diabetes is…
Ten Ways to Keep Your Family From Being Devastated by Porn and Predators
We got another one last night. My heart sank as the sweet mama sobbed out her story. Please, Lord, not another one. Please no. It was, though. Another family crashing into the morass of sexual sin, completely unexpectedly. It's happening all the time these days. Moms and Dads telling us through tears about their son's…
When a Child is Talking about Death
My six year old is constantly talking about death and how he'll die soon and it worries me. He doesn't seem afraid of death; he says he's going to heaven. I'm concerned, though. What do I do? I would sit down with him and try to figure out what's on his mind. You never know…
Mama, Thank You for Disciplining Me
Several years ago one of our boys suggested that we take a few minutes at our family birthday celebrations and each of us share something we love or respect about the birthday person. We've done that ever since and wow. Just wow. It has been incredible to hear every member of the family express out…
Review: Homeschool Mom Fitness
This post may contain affiliate links which provide commissions that help keep our ministry going. Thanks for clicking! One of the wonderful things about homeschooling is that you can stay in your pajamas on the couch many days. One of the bad things about homeschooling is that you can become a couch potato if you're…
Do You Need a Glass of Wine
Do You Need a Glass of Wine?
I get it. I really do. I have more than my share of awful days. Like when we speak 15 times in three days (for an hour each time!) and stand at the booth in between sessions, counseling and praying with folks, all of which we love, but are exhausting. Then we pack out our…
Hypocrisy and Boiled Peanuts
Have you ever had an embarrassing parenting moment? Yep, just had one. To be fair, my kids thought it was funny, but I was pretty embarrassed. Hal and I decided before we even had kids that we would try to help our kids avoid being picky eaters. So, they hear us say some things over and…
Dear Mama to Boys
I'll never forget the first time I went out shopping after our third son was born. We were in the shoe store when an elderly couple approached me. "Is it a girl???" they asked, gesturing towards the stroller. "No, this is our third son," I said with pride. "Oh, honey! I bet you were just…
Q. Should My New Driver Take On Our Big Van?
A friend recently asked, "My oldest is about to get his learner's permit. Should I let him drive our big van in the beginning or just stick to the car? Where should I let him drive? Should we stay away from freeways and things like that?" I have them drive whatever we're driving from the…

On Christmas Break, but Check the Sale! Dismiss