Homeschooling Boys

Reasons to Homeschool
Five Reasons to be Glad That You Didn’t Drop off the Kids at School
It's that time of year when your social media feed fills up with pictures of cute children wearing shiny new backpacks and carrying shiny new lunch boxes and looking oh so happy. First-day-of-school pictures can make you question your plans to homeschool, particularly if you're new to it or you had a hard year last…
Mythbuster: It’s Too Hard to Homeschool Tween and Teen Boys
"Could you talk about homeschooling boys? My son is driving me crazy! And you have six..." Back when we were on the board of our state homeschool organization, we heard that a lot from support group leaders. It's how we got started speaking and writing about boys and it's still something we hear all the time. "Once boys hit puberty,…
Ten Ways to Keep Your Family From Being Devastated by Porn and Predators
We got another one last night. My heart sank as the sweet mama sobbed out her story. Please, Lord, not another one. Please no. It was, though. Another family crashing into the morass of sexual sin, completely unexpectedly. It's happening all the time these days. Moms and Dads telling us through tears about their son's…
Boys Bummed by Math
Our initiation into homeschooling middle school - and the pangs of early adolescence - happened in math. Our oldest son was an early reader and just rocketed along with elementary math. We were delighted! And we encouraged him to keep working ahead ... soon he was two years ahead of his age group in math.…
The Homeschool Fitting-It-All-In Summit
We are so happy to be featured speakers with Homeschool Summits for the Homeschool Fitting-It-All-In Summit, a free event hosted online this April 30-May 5. You can watch our interview on May 4th at 9am. We'll be talking about how to keep your marriage strong while you're homeschooling.  We hope you’ll join us! You can register…
The College Application Dance
We've homeschooled forever and ever, and since we've got four adult sons, we've talked with quite a few college administrators. One of the interesting questions we've discussed is, "Do you see any problems with incoming homeschoolers?" Surprisingly, we have never heard complaints about "socialization." Instead, college officials have told us that homeschooled kids seem to…
Celebrating our New Website!
UPDATE: Congratulations to Jodi from Vermont, who won the Apologia American Literature set! We are delighted to be launching our new website! Our eldest son, John Calvin Young, has been working on it for a long time - to make it more mobile-friendly, easier to use, and more attractive. He's a developer for RoleModel Software and…
Five Ways to Get Dad Involved in Homeschooling
One of the questions we hear is, "How can I get my husband more involved in our homeschooling?" If you look around conventions (we travel to lots of them), admittedly, you do see a lot more moms than dads. It's not just anecdote; a study published by the National Home Education Research Institute in 1997…
Q & A: Dealing With An Angry Son
A reader asks what to do with a violently angry 11-year-old son who is fighting and hurting his siblings.  The father writes, I'm dying here. My boy continues to be violent to his in particular...and tells us he wants out of the family. I feel like a prisoner in my own family, needing to…
Motivating Your Kids
One of the frequent questions we get asked is how to get kids motivated. How do you get them out of bed, off the couch, and taking care of their responsibilities? The negative answer is obvious, and most of us have probably said something like this, one time or another: “You can't get on the…

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