
“Real Men” — What’s That?
From time to time it's helpful to ask, and try to answer, the question of just what is a "real man."  I recently saw a book criticizing the commercialization of boyhood.  The cover artwork showed a hapless young man about ten or twelve years old.  He was wearing a football helmet, shoulder pads, and Superman…
Our Thanksgiving Traditions
We just love Thanksgiving! What a wonderful holiday! Leading up to the day, we teach our children great hymns of Thanksgiving, such as "We Gather Together,"  "Come Ye Thankful People, Come,"  "Count Your Blessings," and "Now Thank We All Our God." We particularly love "We Gather Together," because it was a Dutch song of the proper…
Help! I’m Being Disrupted!
I'd had one of those weeks last week.  The biggest benefit to working from home is that you can be closer to your family.  One of the challenges, though, is just how close that can be when you really meant to focus on work.  The week seemed balanced between fight intervention between brothers, a high-need toddler…
Men, Marriage, and Terrorism
The earliest chapters of Scripture, God states "It is not good for man to be alone."  There are many ways this works out in everyday life, but an interesting article in The Deseret News says that marriage even plays a key factor in recruiting -- or suppressing -- suicide bombers in the Islamic world.  The…
Cool Headed Dad
Wow.  A dramatic story from Haiti - a father of two, trapped and seriously injured in a collapsed building, kept calm, treated his own wounds, improvised solutions to immediate problems, then wrote bloodstained letters of Christian counsel to his sons.  He was pulled from the wreckage after 65 hours. Writing the notes to his wife and children wasn’t…