Family Life

The Worst Christmas Ever, Part 3
Who's in Charge Around Here? My father died when I was fourteen. Kids that age don’t think about the possibility of death, but when you lose someone you love, that innocence is gone forever. When Hal and I got married, I was so afraid he’d die that I’d wake up in the night to put…
The Worst Christmas Ever, Part 2
The Christmas I Couldn’t Sing My family doesn’t have a history of cancer, so the news that I might have lymphoma had a sense of unreality to me...   I didn’t have any symptoms to speak of. Losing weight? Well, yes, I had lost weight, but I had been dieting for several months and was…
The Worst Christmas Ever
It's been over ten years since the worst Christmas ever. It all started on a plane ride home with Hal. We had been to a business event and he coughed uncontrollably the whole trip. "I think I have pneumonia,” he said. “I'm calling Dr. Watson tomorrow." What? Hal never goes to the doctor if he can…
Giving Devices for Christmas
As parents, we have a love/hate relationship with all the devices in our home. We depend on our laptops. We run our business from them and our teen/twenties sons run their businesses from theirs, too. We use them to communicate with each other - especially the grown up kids in other states. If we need to…
Planning A Christ-Centered Thanksgiving
  Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays! It's one of the least commercialized and mangled holidays of our culture. Even the name points people toward the God who gives good gifts. It's fascinating talking about Thanksgiving with our children. The Pilgrims were really people a lot like us: they were principled Christians who were…
Keeping An Eye on Competitive Sports
Over the years, our six boys tried basketball, soccer, baseball, and finally football – which is where most of them settled in. Along the way we learned a few things that make a big difference in the experience for your kids and for the whole family. First, understand sports and competition are not un-Christian! Paul…
How do I talk to my children about these things?
Here's what I struggle with: How do I prepare my young boys in case they are exposed to porn without destroying their innocence?  It is a struggle at young ages, but it’s so important. A mom recently told us she discovered her 8 or 9 year old was getting up in the middle of the…
Launching Family Business Greenhouse
People often ask us how they can start a family business like we did. The problem is that they need to start a family business like only they can!   One day we were visiting with some dear friends and talking about the need to help families who want the freedom and flexibility both our families…
Teaching Diligence to Boys
Hal often says that boys seem especially tempted by anger, lust, and laziness. And if you think about it, it makes sense--those sins are connected to some of the most important roles men have as protectors, husbands, and providers. So, how can you overcome their natural laziness? How can you help your son become diligent? Sometimes…
Covenant Eyes: There When You’re Not
"I don't know what to do, we hadn't even talked to him about sexuality yet, he's so young. I just found out he's been watching pornography, though. What do I do?" We've heard this from several moms - just this week! And the ages would break your heart. Seven, eight, and nine year olds being…