Family Life

Disaster Planning (Homeschool Edition)
When disaster strikes, groups like the American Red Cross, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, and Mennonite Disaster Service do a tremendous job getting people shelter, clothing, and safe food and water. But when the yellow buses start to roll, homeschoolers have a different problem--one we need to solve ourselves! When Hurricane Floyd destroyed or damaged nearly 80,000 homes in eastern…
What A Man’s Gotta Do
My wife, weak from the stomach flu, came out of the bathroom where she’d been hiding out—hiding by my request, I should say. “I’m so sorry,” she said, shakily. “I feel like I shouldn’t have left you out there to do that.” (more…)
Depressed Parents, Depressed Kids
"It's a fallen world." How often we find ourselves saying that! But it's true that every person will have times of disappointment, loss, trials, or failure - it comes with being human. The question for each of us is, "How do I deal with this?" And sometimes, we may find ourselves in a dark place…
Faithful At Work
Does your Sunday morning faith go to work with you on Monday? Maybe in our quiet moments we plan how we'll respond if we end up like the apostles in Acts 5:29 - “We ought to obey God rather than man.” But most days, the question is simpler – and sometimes more challenging: Am I working like…
Talking to Teens About Ashley Madison, Josh Duggar, and The Rest
Years ago when Bill Clinton's scandals were news, I hated to listen to the radio in the car because I constantly had to be ready to turn it off or explain awkward things on the way to homeschool P.E. If you have teens, though, there's just no way to turn off the constant stream of…
Hope For Homeschooling With A Newborn
A reader asked on our Facebook page, "I'm so frustrated. I have three boys: 5, 4, and 2 and a two week old little girl. My teacher husband just went back to work and I feel like I'm drowning. I'm exhausted and I feel like I have no control in house so I find myself…
Rivalry and Unity
Building Family Unity
What can we do to build positive relationships in our family? How can we create a home life which encourages a sense of unity and teamwork, rather than constant competition and rivalry? (more…)
Rivalry and Unity
Getting Along With Siblings
If you have siblings, you probably have rivalry. It's a natural, human thing, and it's plain from Scripture that it's an expression of our fallen human nature. Think about Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers ... and that's just in Genesis. It's a problem--and something God wants us to deal with it.…
What If Dad’s Not A Christian?
A reader wrote: [In your webinar,] you discussed how Dad is the first Hero and he should point the boys to the Ultimate Hero, Christ. We have a 9-year-old son, he is our only child, and my husband is not a Christian, but is tolerant of our going to church (without him) and our son…
Coming of Age Ceremonies
6. Taking The Next Steps
In this series, we've talked about why a formal "coming of age" ceremony can be useful. We discussed ideas about who to invite, who to have as a presenter, and what sort of presentation to have. Last post, we talked about the role of celebration - what sort of entertainment and fellowship you might include.…