Catherine Jaime is fascinated by the life and accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci. Unhappy with the accounts she found of him and his early years, Catherine researched and wrote her own lively narrative of the life and apprenticeship of the young artist. Leonardo the Florentine is entertaining and engaging, and I thoroughly enjoyed it myself. …
Some of the first family life resources we discovered as new homeschoolers were the outstanding materials published by Doorposts. Their books and training tools are attractive, thoughtful, practical, and most of all, Biblical. Their charts on diligence ("Go To The Ant") and reconciliation ("Brother Offended Checklist") were early items of decor in our home! The…
Francis Schaeffer said that art has two components -- the artist's skill with the medium, and the content of the message he or she is communicating. Leaf through the posters at your local Whale Mart and you find a lot of bad messages. Some of the things sold in family bookstores have a great message,…