"I don't know what to do, we hadn't even talked to him about sexuality yet, he's so young. I just found out he's been watching pornography, though. What do I do?" We've heard this from several moms - just this week! And the ages would break your heart. Seven, eight, and nine year olds being…
I was floating in the lake in my "mama suit" with my hair going every which way when one of my sons looked over at me and said, "Mom, you're beautiful!" A few months ago, I might have answered, "Oh, please! I look awful!" but I've learned better since then. A few months ago I read…
One of our goals in raising our children was to help them learn not to be picky eaters. We'd both seen the extra work, turmoil, and frustration in a family when one of the children was picky, only to see those same children grow up to eat things they'd rejected at home. Hearing tales from missionary friends…
I was so excited to see that Caroline Allen's new Character Badges curriculum was a part of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle! I've heard Caroline talking about it and I've been wanting to take a look at it. (more…)
We live in North Carolina, just an hour and a half from Duke, UNC, and N.C. State. If I say "March," you say, "Madness." It's time for the NCAA basketball playoffs, so it's only seasonable to mix our metaphors and kick off our "Wondering Wednesdays" with a question we received a few days ago: Q.…
Here's a neat resource you can download for free and share with your sons in honor of Presidents Day -- examples from the lives of great men who have led our country! Several years before he became our 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt and his friend Henry Cabot Lodge wrote a collection of stories to teach…
Moms tend to be big fans of Valentine's Day. We love relationship stuff, chocolate, hearts, and flowers. Boys? Not so much. Chocolate is good, but the rest is kind of gooshy. So what do we do about Valentine's Day in a houseful of boys? If you've been around here for awhile, you know we love…
The first night of Boot Camp 9-12 is always so entertaining. We start off by describing the early signs that your child is entering puberty (and no, peach fuzz and a cracking voice are actually late signs). We talk about how kids in that stage start having huge emotional swings, from rage to tears, get…
On tonight's episode of Making Biblical Family Life Practical, we are discussing all those new electronics that our families got for Christmas. How can you make sure these are a positive influence in their life, not a dangerous one. Here are some resources we are going to be talking about. Covenant Eyes. Get it. Put…
This has been a pretty sobering week for many homeschool families. A very prominent leader and speaker in Christian homeschool circles confessed to an inappropriate relationship with a woman and resigned from his ministry and speaking engagements. As speakers ourselves, we and our children know most of the other families on the speaking circuit, so…