Christian Living
Readers ask us, "Do you guys celebrate Halloween?" We had a lot of discussion about this when we were first married. We went back and forth between the fun we'd had as kids and the opportunity to perhaps share the gospel with neighbors who came to the door, and our discomfort with the whole celebration…
It's one of those mysteries between the sexes - what makes our choices of entertainment so different? Wives and mothers shake their heads over boys' choices of movies, videos, books, and so on. To their thinking, so much of it is just stupid. And it's not simply childishness - dads and husbands are laughing too. Why is there…
A member of one of our online programs asked, "What if you were parents before you were Christians, and your oldest son had to witness some terrible emotional events between family members?" The most fundamental truth about mankind after Eden is that there is none righteous, no, not one ... all have sinned and fall…
A reader writes, "I follow your page all the time. I first heard you guys speak at the homeschooling conference in North Carolina. I need HELP! I have 4 boys. I have already dealt with the introduction to porn with my first two, both were exposed to it at a Christian friend's home. We have…
After the Oregon shooting this week, a reader asked, "How and when do you share news like this with your children? I haven't shared much "news" with my children but I have older ones and I want to expose them to more. What sources do you use or do you just pass the news to…
"It's a fallen world." How often we find ourselves saying that! But it's true that every person will have times of disappointment, loss, trials, or failure - it comes with being human. The question for each of us is, "How do I deal with this?" And sometimes, we may find ourselves in a dark place…
Does your Sunday morning faith go to work with you on Monday? Maybe in our quiet moments we plan how we'll respond if we end up like the apostles in Acts 5:29 - “We ought to obey God rather than man.” But most days, the question is simpler – and sometimes more challenging: Am I working like…
Years ago when Bill Clinton's scandals were news, I hated to listen to the radio in the car because I constantly had to be ready to turn it off or explain awkward things on the way to homeschool P.E. If you have teens, though, there's just no way to turn off the constant stream of…
What can we do to build positive relationships in our family? How can we create a home life which encourages a sense of unity and teamwork, rather than constant competition and rivalry? (more…)
If you have siblings, you probably have rivalry. It's a natural, human thing, and it's plain from Scripture that it's an expression of our fallen human nature. Think about Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers ... and that's just in Genesis. It's a problem--and something God wants us to deal with it.…