Christian Living
I was so excited about taking our children to Yellowstone National Park. I'd been there with my family as a child and some of the happiest memories of my father, who's been in heaven many years are centered around that area. Unfortunately, I tore a ligament in my knee on one of our conference trips…
Sometimes even the Youngs are speechless. It's rare, I know, but it does happen! Last night we drove up to our house, hours late, exhausted, but delighted to be home. We had just finished 8563 miles, 20 states, five conventions and more than a month away. Our grown sons met us in the front yard.…
Melanie has a recurring dream that she is back in college, final exams are approaching, and suddenly she realizes with horror that she’s been signed up for a class that she’s forgotten to attend all semester. Thankfully, that never actually happened to her, but that kind of panic feels pretty familiar sometimes. We’ve had a…
If you wouldn't drop your son or daughter off in New York City or Shanghai to explore on their own, you need some kind of supervision for their internet use. The internet is just like a large city - there are fantastic museums, libraries, and churches, but there are also red light districts, gambling parlors,…
There's an old saying that it takes a real Christian to leave his parrot with the town gossip. A test of real virtue is what we do when no one's looking. And evidence of our true self is left behind in the places no one is expected to go. I read that Tim Tebow decided to get rid…
At an old English parsonage down by the sea, there came in the twilight a message to me. Its quaint Saxon legend deeply engraven that, as it seems to me, teaching from heaven. And all through the hours the quiet words ring, like a low inspiration, 'Do the next thing.' (more…)
We have some friends who are staunch third-party advocates. "Democrat or Republican, there's not a bit of difference between them," they say. We disagree, and strenuously, but ignore that for now. If you're disappointed in the choices available in the presidential race--and we probably all feel that at one time or another--there's more in play…
Are you as surprised as we were to find out that Reformation Day has been celebrated as a holiday in the church since at least 1567? We were delighted to find out that rather than sanitizing a holiday that celebrated death, our enemy, we could enjoy a holiday to remember true heroism — a man…
One of the biggest lessons I learned on the job, first in the military and then working in industry, is that sometimes you have to make a decision and move on. It’s impossible to know everything about a situation or decision, and you can’t know the future, so do what you can to make a…
One of the things I like best about homeschooling is the socialization. We went to institutional schools and remember how isolating it is - you hardly even know anyone who isn't your exact age, except a few the age of your brother or sister. I'd hardly ever even held a baby when our first was…