Book and Product Reviews

Book Review: Modest Speaks to Guys, Too
A Supreme Court justice, pressed to give a standard for “obscenity,” concluded, “I know it when I see it.” That’s part of the problem with the matter of immodesty – how to define it? Much of it is a reflection of the community we live in. Standards were very different where we lived in California…
Virtuous Spy Thrillers? Really!
I love mysteries and spy thrillers because I have insomnia. Seriously. I have to read something exciting enough to keep me from thinking about life long enough to fall asleep. That's challenging for a Christian because the exciting genres are usually full of sleaze. Let's face it, murders don't often happen in nice families! And,…
Purposeful Planning
Purposeful Planning: A Review
I think most of us get reflective this time of year. A lot of us make resolutions with good intentions. A lot fewer do it with a real sense of purpose, aiming not only to resolve but to actually set things in place to make it happen. About sixteen years ago, Phyllis Sather's husband came to…
Hero Tales: Really Authentic
We all love the director’s commentary and the extra “How We Made It” sequences on DVDs. We’re not quite there yet for our own Great Waters Press productions, but we thought you might be interested in what is going into our Hero Tales audiobook CDs. The third volume in this series brings the collection up to the…
Review: “Courageous”
Not many movies had me in tears in the opening sequence. "Courageous" did. I'm not an "early adopter" of whatever comes down the road--I think I didn't upgrade to Windows 95 until Windows 98 came out. Movies are a little different, and there may not be many days left in the theater schedule for this…
Review: Moonfinder by Jay Ryan
We cherish children's books in our family. When you have eight children, the books that you've read to every single child enter the family lore, with phrases from them bringing a smile years later. "Good night to the old lady whispering 'Hush!'" (more…)
Our Summer Saved: Dry Pro Cast Cover Review
Every June, we move the whole family down to Hal's family's Lake House for weeks of swimming, kayaking, snoozing in the hammock, and most importantly, writing! It's our "happy place" -- we spent the first three months of our marriage at the Lake a quarter of a century ago and it makes us happy to…
Book of the Year and Books for Many Years!
Dear Friends, We have been nominated for the Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year, which honors books produced by small publishers each year for outstanding contribution to Christian life. The really exciting part is that this award allows everyone to vote - publishers, retailers, authors, and yes, readers, too!  This is the last week that…
A Unique Perspective on Lewis and Clark: York Proceeded On
Catherine Jaime, a terrific storyteller, brings a completely unique perspective to the Corps of Discovery with her new book, York Proceeded On. York, the manservant and slave of William Clark of the famous Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the new Louisiana Purchase. This engaging book, based on years of study of the expedition is historically accurate wtih regards to the expedition, but takes poetic license in imagining what life was like for York in later years after he gained his freedom.
Leonardo the Florentine: A Novel and a Great Read!
Everyone thinks they know about Leonardo da Vinci. We hear all sorts of things about him - from the specious Da Vinci Code to descriptions of him as the perfect Renaissance man, but most of us have a very vague picture of who he really is. Catherine McGrew Jaime opens a window into the early life…

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