Adult Sons

Staying Pure in Engagement
Someone recently asked, Now that we're engaged, it's increasingly hard to stay pure. I mean, we'll be married soon, right? I know it's wrong, but it doesn't seem as big a deal now that it's just a matter of weeks or months. Can you help us think about this the right way? We've been there. The…
The Well-Read List
One of our sons has severe dyslexia and didn't read well until he was eleven. Once he got to high school, he realized he'd missed reading a lot of the books his brothers had read. He asked his adult brothers to make a list of the books they thought someone ought to read to be truly…
Mama, Thank You for Disciplining Me
Several years ago one of our boys suggested that we take a few minutes at our family birthday celebrations and each of us share something we love or respect about the birthday person. We've done that ever since and wow. Just wow. It has been incredible to hear every member of the family express out…
Transitioning to Spiritual Adulthood
This one is for the teens and twenties. It's hard to write, too. When you're young and healthy, you don't really think about dying. It just seems remote. But two days ago, our sons lost a friend they'd known for years from church and Christian activities. Wilson Brant was just 26 when a car accident…
Dear Mama to Boys
I'll never forget the first time I went out shopping after our third son was born. We were in the shoe store when an elderly couple approached me. "Is it a girl???" they asked, gesturing towards the stroller. "No, this is our third son," I said with pride. "Oh, honey! I bet you were just…
Our Family Gets Bigger This Month!
  We're over-the-top delighted to announce that our family will be growing this month when our son Matthew exchanges vows with his college sweetheart Camille! Camille is a strong believer and a talented, sweet-spirited young woman from Nicholasville, Kentucky. She's a graduate of Berea College where she and Matthew met. They'll be moving to Chapel…
Finding a Mate: What Questions Should I Ask the Guy Interested in My Girl?
"All right, ladies, give me all your hard questions! A young man is interested in our daughter and my husband is going to meet with him. I want your list of questions you plan to ask someone in this situation! My husband's going to really let him have it!" - a mom in one of…
Surviving the Breaks with Your College Students
Friends often ask us something like this, "Why can't I get along with my adult kids when they come home from college? They are really great people, but it seems like when they are here on break they become rude, sassy, lazy boogers. Help!" We get it. Just a couple of months ago during the…
She Said, “I Won’t Let my Daughter Marry a Guy Who Has Ever Seen Porn!”
Be sure you ask the right questions – and set the right expectations Our friend was adamant. “I would never allow my daughter to marry a guy who has looked at porn.” She’s right to be concerned. It’s a sin and affront to God to look at pornography. It causes physical changes in the user’s…
Fifty Shades Darker in Christian Marriage
Warning: Adult subject matter, may be disturbing to abuse victims. Adrienne* shook with heavy, harsh sobs. Then her eyes flashed with anger, "I couldn't believe he would do that to me!" She described haltingly how her husband had forced her into a sexual act that she was ashamed to even talk about. Then she began to…

On Christmas Break, but Check the Sale! Dismiss