
Got a Son Who’s 9 to 12 Years Old?
When our children were all little and Melanie was feeling overwhelmed, most people responded, “You just wait ’til they’re teenagers! You think it’s hard now?” Well, thank you, that’s very encouraging. Does it have to be that way? Does life with a teen have to be more difficult than life with an untrained toddler with…
Hal & Melanie at the Schoolhouse Expo Talking to Teens & Their Families
UPDATE: Congratulations to Mandy Gillespie who won volumes 1 and 2 of our new Hero Tales series and apheartsong who won a free ticket to the Schoolhouse Expo! Psychologists Joseph and Claudia Allen say that low expectations have undermined the transition from childhood to adulthood, and twenty-somethings are still trying to figure out what their…
News You Knew:
Boys Eat A Lot
Another scientific study to prove what you already knew:  As the lead researcher observed, "They really can eat." Reuters reports on a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that found boys 8-10, offered a buffet lunch, ate 44% more than girls at the same stage of development.  While girls' appetites caught up…

On Christmas Break, but Check the Sale! Dismiss