A reader writes, "I follow your page all the time. I first heard you guys speak at the homeschooling conference in North Carolina. I need HELP! I have 4 boys. I have already dealt with the introduction to porn with my first two, both were exposed to it at a Christian friend's home. We have…
Years ago when Bill Clinton's scandals were news, I hated to listen to the radio in the car because I constantly had to be ready to turn it off or explain awkward things on the way to homeschool P.E. If you have teens, though, there's just no way to turn off the constant stream of…
This morning a friend asked, "Do you think I should watch Fifty Shades of Grey with my teen and talk about it?" We're not as strict on media as some are. We think there's some value in watching things you don't agree with and analyzing and discussing them with your teens. Sometimes, though, there's more…
The other evening, we presented our workshop session, Shining Armor: Your Son's Battle for Purity in a small church in a rural area. Parents came up afterward to ask how to install some kind of accountability or protection on their computers, phones and devices. We told them about the service we use ourselves, Covenant Eyes,…
For a couple of days, our personal Facebook feeds have been full of outraged posts and links about Miley Cyrus's reportedly (we didn't watch it) disgusting performance on MTV's VMA Awards. It was curious that the almost universal response among our friends was either shock (What in the world has happened to our world?) or…
There's an old saying that it takes a real Christian to leave his parrot with the town gossip. A test of real virtue is what we do when no one's looking. And evidence of our true self is left behind in the places no one is expected to go. I read that Tim Tebow decided to get rid…
When we were working on our workshop on purity for boys, we were surprised at some of the research we found that says that the average age of first (and hopefully only!) marriage has gone up drastically in the last generation. For men, the median age has gone up from 22 or 23 to 28…
[caption id="attachment_2758" align="alignleft" width="237" caption="Lot Flees Sodom by Gustave Dore, 1932-1883"][/caption] Old Lot earns a pretty bad reputation by the end of Genesis 19 – his virtue compromised by action and association, lasting harm done to his descendents, loss of much of his family because of his inconsistent testimony. Yet Peter tells us that Abraham’s…
Yesterday while I was writing about our Thanksgiving traditions for this blog, I looked up George Washington's Thanksgiving Day Proclamation in preparation for suggesting you share it with your family. As I read it, I felt increasingly sad. George Washington thanked God "for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed." I thought…
On Christmas Break, but
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