The husband of an aid worker in Haiti drove a hundred miles in answer to his wife's call for help, then dug her out from underneath a foot of concrete rubble. The Associated Press story is here. One does wonder where the men in the neighborhood were. A hundred mile drive in Haiti isn't like I-95…
After our eldest, John Calvin, read his dad's Ten Moments in Manhood list, he sent us a link to an incredible YouTube video. In this 3D animation of Captain Sullenberger's Hudson landing, you can see it all happen up close. What I found most fascinating was listening to the actual audio while being able to…
How do you raise boys? This question often comes up in homeschooling circles. We have plenty of resources to raise our daughters – home economic kits, great fiction, aprons, and homemaking magazines. However, there are few serious tools to help parents in the herculean task of training sons. Until now…………… Hal and Melanie Young have…
As a mom to three active boys, I'm always eager to read what others have to say about raising boys to be men. What better people to take advice from than Hal and Melanie Young, parents to 6 boys (and 2 girls). In their book, Raising Real Men, they discuss the intricacies of bringing up…