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Visual Psalms
Francis Schaeffer said that art has two components -- the artist's skill with the medium, and the content of the message he or she is communicating.  Leaf through the posters at your local Whale Mart and you find a lot of bad messages.  Some of the things sold in family bookstores have a great message,…
Hooray! Let’s Celebrate!
Raising Real Men has been named Christian Small Publishers 2011 Book of the Year!! We can hardly believe it ourselves, but it's true! Won't you come celebrate with us at our first ever Facebook Party tonight at 8pm EST? All you have to do is go to the Raising Real Men Facebook Page, login to…
Stereotypes or Created Types?
I was intrigued when our son sent me a link to a graphic illustration of the most commonly used words in toy advertisements for boys and girls. Scanning over the words, I see something very different than the original researcher did... The words used in advertising toys for boys are things like battle, power, heroes,…
King Alfred’s English a Fascinating Read!
When I first  heard about King Alfred's English by Laurie White, I was immediately interesting. King Alfred is one of our family's favorite characters. He was a real Christian, an amazingly wise and far-seeing ruler and a refreshingly human personality. We love words, too, so it was a natural for us to review! This is…
Meet the Geology Detective!
I was dreading it a little bit when my dear friend Teresa Wirtz asked me to review their new Rock and Mineral Identification Kits. I knew the boys would be thrilled - there's just something about boys and rocks - I think they all love them, but although I am a science person (my degree is…
Hymn of the Week: O Word of God Incarnate
[caption id="attachment_2907" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Paul, by Rembrandt"][/caption] O Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky: We praise You for the radiance that from the hallowed page, A Lantern to our footsteps, shines on from age to age. The Church from You, our Savior,…
What’s Better Than History? History and Geography Together!
Hang on for the freebie for everyone and give-away, too, at the bottom of the post to celebrate our nomination for Book of the Year... You know what I hate? I have this huuuuge stack of books waiting for review on our site on my bedside table and an even bigger one on the bookshelf…
Unavoidable Conflict, Collateral Damage
Dear Ones, Many of you will have heard that Ken Ham was recently "disinvited" to speak at the remaining conferences sponsored by Great Homeschool Conferences Inc. and prevented from exhibiting there.  We want to assure you that the concern over the teachings of Peter Enns is substantial, and needs to be discussed. Whether or not there was an Adam…
Book of the Year and Books for Many Years!
Dear Friends, We have been nominated for the Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year, which honors books produced by small publishers each year for outstanding contribution to Christian life. The really exciting part is that this award allows everyone to vote - publishers, retailers, authors, and yes, readers, too!  This is the last week that…
A Unique Perspective on Lewis and Clark: York Proceeded On
Catherine Jaime, a terrific storyteller, brings a completely unique perspective to the Corps of Discovery with her new book, York Proceeded On. York, the manservant and slave of William Clark of the famous Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the new Louisiana Purchase. This engaging book, based on years of study of the expedition is historically accurate wtih regards to the expedition, but takes poetic license in imagining what life was like for York in later years after he gained his freedom.