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Raising Real Men helps you make Biblical family life practical with articles, workshops, online classes, great resources, and character-building gifts. Join our newsletter for ongoing encouragement and resources you need.

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Full of Beans
My mom is a retired elementary school librarian. She said she heard arguments about whether sugar really affects children that much or not, but there was no question for her--the Monday after Easter (and the day after Halloween), she said, the kids were always wild. Some days our boys are just full of beans--and while…
Stormy Weather
… Time For Another Look!
When you grow up in the Carolinas, you get used to thunderstorm warnings and tornado watches. They're so commonplace, most people seem to ignore them until the wind actually picks up and sirens blow. The National Weather Service is testing new messages (like,"You could be killed"), but I'm not waiting for the NWS. A couple of videos…
The Goal
Earlier this week we started our third class of "Boot Camp 9-12", and we talked about our approach for training our boys. I explained it something like this: The goal of all of this for our sons is to become young, strong, independent men, who can stand on their faith, and stand for God and Christ,…
Coming In May! (Updated)
Wow, what a great trip we had in March - 4100 miles, from South Carolina to Manitoba, speaking at two conventions and four local events, giving nineteen presentations in fourteen days, and meeting a lot of terrific families along the way. To all of you who came to listen, who opened your hearts and homes to…
Cheese Curds, Brats and Home!
Dear Friends, We're traveling through West Virginia on the way home. Hopefully we'll make it home tonight -- probably in the wee hours -- unless we are too tired to keep going. We had a wonderful stopover in Minnesota Tuesday night. We spoke at a church in South Haven, in the middle of nowhere, and…
To Manitoba and Back
Dear Brethren, Since our last update, it's been a whirlwind! We spent last Wednesday night with a family in Minnesota who found out about our ministry by attending a Households of Faith Gregg Harris conference in Texas put on by some old friends of ours from when we lived in Louisiana - Gene & Lora…
From South Carolina to Wisconsin!
Dear Brethren, We had a very good conference in South Carolina at the Teach Them Diligently Convention. Our session on "Shining Armor: Your Son's Battle for Purity" and the first getting started "Homeschooled from the Beginning" session were both packed out with folks on the floor. Despite the worst booth ever (seriously - you couldn't…
Coming In March!
This month, we'll be spend more than two weeks and cover more than 3700 miles on our first trip of the season - but how we get there, and when we return, may be up to you! We're heading off for two conventions and three other events stretching from South Carolina to Manitoba - Spartanburg,…
The Power of Biography
George Rogers Clark fording the Wabash- If we ignore the lessons of history, we’ve been warned, we’ll be doomed to repeat them. I would say in addition, if we ignore the lessons of biographies, we’re likely not to repeat them. And given the right lives to study, missing their example would be a tragedy indeed.…
Driver’s Ed Moments
We love Driver's Ed. In our county, homeschoolers join in the public school driver's education classes in order to get their learner's permits. We think that's great! Three hours a day for two and a half weeks of the state driver's education curriculum pretty much cures them of wondering if they are missing something by doing high…