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Why Veterans Day?
Did you know today was Veterans Day? The day we set aside to remember and thank all those who've served our country in the Armed Forces. It's those soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that keep our country safe. Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11th? It's because on the 11th…
I Found 18 Reasons
We have some friends who are staunch third-party advocates. "Democrat or Republican, there's not a bit of difference between them," they say. We disagree, and strenuously, but ignore that for now. If you're disappointed in the choices available in the presidential race--and we probably all feel that at one time or another--there's more in play…
Will Your Son Write The Great American Novel?
Here's a great way to get him interested -- National Novel Writing Month! NaNoWriMo is a simple challenge -- can you pour out 50,000 words in the month of November? (Or if you're a younger writer, make it a smaller target -- The Great Gatsby was only about 26,000 words). How much is that?  Estimate…
Where We’ll Be In November
Monday 11/5 - Glen Allen, Va.  "Walk In Truth" Home Educators (WIT) Mom's Fellowship Meeting, 7 p.m. Staples Mill Road Baptist Church 10101 Staples Mill Road Thursday 11/8 - Richmond, Va. Homeschoolers At Grove Main Sanctuary, 6:30 p.m. Grove Avenue Baptist Church 8701 Ridge Road Sunday 11/25 - Garner, N.C. Southwest Wake Christian Assembly Regular…
Speaking in Michigan and Virginia
Where We'll Be Soon Friday 10/19 - Sunday 10/21 - Adrian, Mich.  Reformed Baptist Church of Lenawee 121 S. Locust St., Adrian Marriage and Family Conference with Hal and Melanie (Please register for Friday opening banquet!) See website for details Monday 10/22 - Jackson, Mich. Jackson Area Home Educators Thursday 10/25 - Culpeper, Va. Piedmont Area Christian…
Something’s Changed!
"I just don't understand! My sweet son is so temperamental lately." "It's like he's a different kid." "I don't understand the anger. What's that about?" "School used to be fun, but now it takes forever." "He acts so addled. Can't remember what I tell him for one minute." We hear it all the time. We've said it ourselves. We…
Speaking In The Carolinas And Georgia
Where We'll Be Soon Saturday 9/22 - Lugoff, S.C. Christian Home Educators of Camden Faith Church of the Nazarene 1033 Ridgeway Road (S.C. Hwy 34) All-Day Event with Hal and Melanie, plus special speakers John Calvin Young and Hope Auer for the teens! Doors open at 8:45, Program starts at 9:00 a.m. Childcare available. Tuesday 9/25 -…
What About Sports?
Neither of us has ever been particularly athletic, though we've always enjoyed watching football since we're both from Clemson families. When you have a lot of boys, though, the question of sports comes up pretty quickly. Here are some advantages of doing sports with your boys: They need the exercise. God made boys active. They'll…