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Hope in a Grim Election Year
This morning my Facebook feed blew up with grief and anxiety that the choices we'll face in the November election seem to be reduced to two people with little or no regard for the Constitution, no concern for anything other than personal power, and very questionable character. It's pretty easy to feel despair today, but…
A Homeschool Dad Test Drives The New Tesla
Davis Carman is a friend of ours (and the owner of Apologia Educational Ministries). He's also a mechanical engineer and a car buff. Recently he got to test drive the new Tesla Model 3, and his initial response was so enthusiastic we asked him to give us the full story.  Is It Ludicrous to Test Drive…
Five Ways to Help Teens with Moving
A reader asked, "We are moving across the country to North Carolina this spring or summer for a great job opportunity our family has been praying for. My 14 yr old son is taking it very hard (he is a believer). My husband and I encourage him and our other 4 children, and we concentrate…
Four Reasons You Need to Change Your Parenting Style
Our oldest son shook his head, sadly. “You never would have let me do that,” he said, watching a younger sibling. We had to admit, he had a point. When he was that age, we were new parents, full of theories but short on experience. He was Offspring 1.0, and parenting was still something of…
Bullied Into Buying: Grownup Peer Pressure
Homeschooling allowed us to raise kids that were not peer-dominated, not bullied, not searching for affirmation and validation from every direction. Hooray! The problem is, we parents were not raised that way, and guess what? Often we're the ones with peer group problems.   How Does This Happen? One of the great doctrines of the New Testament is the…
Motivating Your Kids
One of the frequent questions we get asked is how to get kids motivated. How do you get them out of bed, off the couch, and taking care of their responsibilities? The negative answer is obvious, and most of us have probably said something like this, one time or another: “You can't get on the…
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Guide
Why celebrate? We're not Catholic or Irish, but we love to have fun and we find that celebrating holidays with a little fun is a great way to drive home character lessons to our children and to teach them history, too. If you want to have some fun today learning about St. Patrick and the…
Sweet Rewards
The other day, a college president called our boy. That boy. The one I wondered if I'd ever be able to teach him enough to fill out an application to work in fast food. It all started when he was small. I was pretty confident when we started teaching him. His older brothers all learned…