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Raising Real Men helps you make Biblical family life practical with articles, workshops, online classes, great resources, and character-building gifts. Join our newsletter for ongoing encouragement and resources you need.

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Ten Practical Ways to Keep Kids Safe From Predators
The past couple of weeks, we've been talking to and praying for friends who've been dealing with a great grief. Their young son was molested while he was visiting with his beloved grandparents. It was a young adult, a trusted friend of the family, who victimized their child. The parents are heartbroken. Sadly, this is happening more…
Sharing the Gospel with Your Kids
  As Christian parents, we probably all put right at the top of our list, “Teach our children to know and love and serve the Lord Jesus.” The stakes are high, and frankly, it can be a daunting thing to realize we have the biggest influence in our kids’ daily spiritual instruction! Our friend Dennis Gundersen…
A Case for Grace for Grandparents
Several times recently, friends have told us that they are just done with their parents. They've had repeated disagreements and arguments over the children and their family's lifestyle choices. They're so annoyed with the older generation, they just want to back out of the relationship. This is kind of a shock to us. We grew up…
Q&A: My 11yo Has Horrible Manners!
A reader asks, "I have been struggling with something that I'm not sure how to fix it our 11 year old boy is very very stubborn. I almost feel like he does it for the attention or he just doesn't care. At the dinner table he will eat with his hands burp without saying excuse…
What A Depressed Christian Can Do
Guest Post by Dennis Gundersen  I’ve often heard it asserted that there’s no way a Christian should ever be depressed, and that if you are, it’s a sinful state of mind and you need to repent. Is this true? Or is it just one of many conditions of life we experience, and in which we…
Celebrate Independence Day!
Are you worried about our country? Lots of people are. Awhile back on our podcast, Making Family Life Practical we gave an answer to our friends posting on social media that they are so worried about our country that they don't really feel like celebrating the Fourth of July. Scroll down for our Independence Day gift…
Q&A: My Son is Stealing Food…
A Facebook reader asks, "How do you deal with sneaking and stealing food and then lying about it? My son (18) has been sneaking and stealing food for YEARS. If it's there, he will take it. If I make cookies or brownies, he will help himself with no regard for others. If my husband gives…