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We are SO HAPPY you’ll be joining us for our Exclusive LIVE Q&A just for purchasers of the Homeschool Grab Bag through our link! We can’t wait to get to know you! A few days before August 9th, you’ll receive a link to join us.

While you are here, though, we would love for you to read our blog, shop in our store, listen to our podcast, find out about our speaking, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter.

Here are some incredibly profitable ways to use your time at home or on the road. These the books our adult kids say shaped their characters…

Dramatic, Character-Building Audiobooks – CLICK HERE to DISCOVER!



Look at our popular Craftsman Crate series, and subscribe for $10 off your first box! (use the coupon newcrate10)


Got kids 9-13 and wondering what in the world has happened to them? Wondering if it is you or them? You are not alone! Here’s help! Use the coupon code MiddleSchoolHelp to get $15 off any version of Boot Camp 9-12 or any of our online masterclasses.


See you on August 9th, friend! 

Your Friends,

Hal & Melanie











Here’s the version with no pictures of Christ:

On Christmas Break, but Check the Sale! Dismiss