Too Tired for Valentine’s Day? This May Help!
It’s just redundant to say, “I’m a parent of small children and I’m tired.” Of course you are. And the blessed challenge of raising young ones changes everything – including your romantic life.
We’re been there. We spent ten years with four children 10 and under at home! And we won’t say how many years pregnant or nursing that would be – let alone Hal’s bout with cancer, a few years ago.
The thing is, being tired and stressed doesn’t change the fact that you love your mate, and that you still want time alone with them. You need each other, sometimes more when life gets hectic or hard. We just found that you have to adapt to the changes in your circumstances. And sometimes, you need a few ideas to make that happen.
That’s why we wrote this workshop we call, “Romance for The Exhausted.” And we’re offering it as a free download to our newsletter subscribers – just give us your email and we’ll send you the link. If you’re not on our newsletter list, we’ll add you in so we can stay in touch – (we won’t give away your contact info, and you can quit at any time – but we hope you won’t.) If you’re already a reader, you’ll just keep getting the same thoughtful and helpful stuff we send you regularly.
We hope you find some encouragement and hope in what we’ve got to share. You can still have a love life, even when you have kids!

Find Time for Your Mate ...
in spite of it all! Sign up below and we'll give you our frank and encouraging workshop, Romance for The Exhausted, where we share practical (and fun) ideas for maintaining intimacy in the busyness of life. And we'll add you to our growing community of families applying Biblical principles in their 21st century homes!