Review: Homeschool Mom Fitness
Posted by Hal and Melanie Young in Family Life, Family Life, How to Be a Mother, Motherhood, Product Reviews

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One of the wonderful things about homeschooling is that you can stay in your pajamas on the couch many days. One of the bad things about homeschooling is that you can become a couch potato if you’re not careful. After a couple of years fighting illness, I was feeling the need to get active again when my friend, Heather Bowen, announced she was launching a new Homeschool Mom Fitness program that could double as a fitness program for the whole family. I bought it right away and I can’t wait to tell you about it.

Life of a Homeschool Mom

What I loved:

There’s a short, clear video illustrating every one of the exercises. That really helped my girls figure some of them out since they didn’t have the benefit of football practice experience, which is where our boys learned how to do those things.

There’s a modified way to do each exercise for those of us who have bad kneesĀ or just need to work up to the regular exercise form.

There’s a private Facebook group for purchasers where you can ask questions and get ongoing encouragement.

There are tons of great charts and inspirational stuff you can print out. They’re cute, too.

You only need short bursts of 5 minutes or so and no special equipment. That makes it way easier to fit into my mobile, busy life. You can do the five-five minute workouts spread through the day (there’s a lot of recent evidence that short intense bursts are really good for you) or all at once, which still takes less than 30 minutes. I’m pretty excited about the no special equipment part, too, since we are on the road so much. We usually get back to the hotel as the gym is closing and walking is problematic in a strange town at night.

Life of a Homeschool Mom

What could be better:

In the intro, I wanted a little less, at least at some point. I really wanted a short, simple “Here’s what you do first” bullet list. I’m over-committed and I confess, I skim. I wanted the executive summary telling me where to find each thing and in what order right now.

In other places, I wanted a little more. For example, there’s a chart to record your change in body fat percentage, but it doesn’t tell you how to calculate it.

Overall, though, this is a really good program to get both moms and kids in shape. And it’s really affordable at $29.97 (with no monthly payment, that’s it, plus you can use the coupon save10 to save $10!)

If you want to give it a try, (affiliate link coming!) click here to check Homeschool Mom Fitness!

Your friend,
