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“Homeschooling a Houseful”

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While you’re here, we’d love for you to take a look at our other resources. We have:

Raising Real Men – a book for parents of boys of all ages

My Beloved and My Friend – a book to help you make your marriage even better

Love, Honor, and Virtueour new book to help young, single guys gain or re-gain a Biblical attitude toward sexuality


Homeschooling a Houseful CD Art with Shadow Homeschooling a Houseful – Sometimes homeschooling feels like one of those plate-spinning acts and you wonder how in the world you are going to meet everyone’s needs. The baby needs to be changed, the toddler is playing in the toilet, your high schooler is impatiently waiting for help with his biology experiment, and two other children say, “I can’t do anything else without you, Mom!”

Melanie Young homeschooled six grade levels while a toddler played underfoot. She’s been there! In this workshop, she shares encouragement and ideas for how to keep all those plates spinning at once without your life spinning out of control. Learn how to raise independent learners, how to keep the household moving, and how to make sure the little ones get enough attention!