Announcing Our New Book!
“Our middle-schooler is driving us crazy!”We hear it all the time! That’s certainly how we’ve felt, Every. Single. Time (remember, we’re guiding our eighth through these years now). Compliant kids turn combative. Diligent students disappear into a fog. Faithful children fill up with doubts. Everyone said, “Just wait till they’re teenagers,” but nobody warned us that sometime between 8 and 14, even terrific kids can become a challenge. They ride an emotional rollercoaster … and invite you to climb aboard! And sadly, we’ve learned that many families’ troubles with their teens started with strained and broken relationships with their pre-teens. But there’s hope!We’ve also learned that the critical aspect of relationship may be the key to what happens when they hit high school. And that’s something we can work on! That’s why we’re pleased to announce |
Our New Book!

Don’t get a ticket for the emotional rollercoaster!
Instead, find help to…
- understand what’s going on physically, mentally, and spiritually.
- learn how discipline needs to change to stay effective.
- find out how to help them get the schoolwork done.
- get practical strategies for dealing with emotional meltdowns.
- protect the parent-child relationship and
- lay a foundation to make the teen years GREAT!
Parenting Tweens with Grace and Hope
From the authors of the award-winning Raising Real Men and My Beloved and My Friend
Practical help to navigate the turbulent waters
of the pre-teen years!
Order now for this special pre-publication deal
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Advance printing ships in June – Don’t delay!
(Regular price $15.99 plus shipping)