Welcome to Teach Them Diligently – Atlanta!
Posted by Hal in Conference News

Come to One of Our Workshops!

10:20 am Homeschooling from The Beginning

Are your kids brilliant? Precocious? Eager? Or maybe it’s you … so here’s how to start teaching your young homeschooler, with gentleness, love, and enjoyment for both of you!

Ballroom II
2:20 pm Raising Real Men – Surviving and Appreciating Boys

How to understand your boys and really enjoy raising them (We have six of them!)

Ballroom II
5:40 pm Parenting Preteens

Forget toddlers, forget teens – we think middle-schoolers are the scariest age! But if you get through these years with a strong relationship, the teens years get better and better.

Ballroom I
1:00 pm Romance for The Exhausted

That’s what we all have in common, right? Fatigue. How do you keep the romantic relationship going amid the challenge of parenting, homeschooling, career, and ministry!

Ballroom IV
4:00 pm Shining Armor: Your Son’s Battle for Purity

As the culture grows darker, it casts a shadow on our kids – especially our boys. This session will help you know why, when, and how to start The Conversation and train your sons to be warriors for their own sexual purity.

Ballroom II


Find Us In The Book Fair!

Booth 124-126 – GREAT WATERS PRESS


Love, Honor, and Virtue –  in book and audiobook formats!

Five Little Peppers, Men of Iron, Captains Courageous, The Sky Pilot – great literature audiobooks!

Celebrating Christ in History: Reformation Day – unit study, songbook, and cookbook, too!

And Lots of New Craft and Skill Kits!

On Christmas Break, but Check the Sale! Dismiss