Books We Read To Pieces
Posted by Hal in Family Life



We’re a family of readers. One of our boys’ first word was “book.”

I remember watching our first son when he was 18 months old. He was obviously play-acting something: standing beside a box and carrying on a babbling conversation, then turning away briefly, then coming back. Storekeeper? No, we realized; he was playing “circulation desk” like he’d seen at the library.

Meme - Collecting Books

Occasionally I realize it’s time to replace a book, again. There are certain books which we simply wear out. I’m not talking about damage and destruction due to accident or mishandling — we have plenty of that, too — but legitimate cases of books we’ve read to pieces:

Note: Some of the links below are affiliate links which give us a small commission at no cost to you.

It’s interesting to note that some of the most significant books, the ones which literally shaped our lives, don’t show up here.  Some which have had the most profound impact on my thinking are not books I re-read frequently, or books that my children beg for in the evening (“Daddy! Won’t you read The Forgotten Spurgeon again?  We love Iain Murray!” … no, not even our kids)

Meme - Pyle on Childhood Books

But it would be an interesting exercise, wouldn’t it, to come up with two lists:

  1. What five books has your family replaced at least once, and
  2. What five books had the biggest impact on your personal development?

We’d love it if you’d share those lists with us below!

If you’re looking for some new family treasures, we’ve turned some of ours into audiobooks. Audiobooks are great because 1- Dogs can’t eat CDs and 2- You don’t have to read aloud – you can fold instead! Check these out:

Your friends,Hal and Melanie at Science Museum 150

Hal & Melanie





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