Intergenerational Fun

One of the things I like best about homeschooling is the socialization. We went to institutional schools and remember how isolating it is – you hardly even know anyone who isn’t your exact age, except a few the age of your brother or sister. I’d hardly ever even held a baby when our first was born.

Our children, as they move through life along with us, interact with everyone we do and more. They learn to entertain babies, listen to elderly folks and discuss things with adults. It’s neat to see.

Our boys love to go to our local Christian coffeehouse, Melody’s, on Open Mic Night. It’s a welcoming place to try out a new song or to fellowship with friends. Through playing their own music and jamming with friends at Open Mic, the boys got to know the members of Blue Grass Magic and Matt Henry joined the band. He’s the youngest by 50 years! They tell him, “Son, I’ve got blue jeans older than you are!” Here they are sharing some Southern Gospel with Matt as lead singer: Enjoy!

Like Matt Henry on Facebook here so you can see when he posts more great music.

Find out more about raising godly teens in our workshops: Homeschooling is Not Enough, Shining Armor: Your Son’s Battle for Purity, Doing Real Things, and What About Social Media?

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