Microbusiness for Teens Curriculum
Posted by Hal in Uncategorized

People talk about teaching your children to be entrepreneurial, but Carol Topp, the Homeschool CPA, actually shows you how to do it.

Our friend, Carol Topp, gave us a copy of this series for review. Our boys used and loved her curriculum and are so busy running their own businesses they don’t have time to post a review! Instead, we recommend them far and wide when we speak. You need these books!

From Microbusiness for Teens:

The Micro Business for Teens Curriculum is comprised of two books and a workbook.

Starting a Micro Business has advice to get started in launching a micro business and includes ideas, how to create a business plan, avoiding pitfalls, starting with little or no money, and stories of teenage micro business owners.
Running a Micro Business discusses sales, customers service, marketing, record keeping, legal issues and time management.
The Micro Business for Teens Workbook will help teenagers put into place what they read. Can to be used individually or in a group setting.
Details can be found here.

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