Workshops for Support Group Leaders

We’ve been support group leaders for 17 years and served on the board of our state organization for well over 10 years. Here’s some encouragement and practical help for support group leaders.

Workshop CDs are $7 $5

MP3 Downloads are $5 $4! Coming Soon!

Homeschool Leadership

(Hal) Encouragement and admonition for support group leaders. Leadership looks like a lot of glory from the outside, but behind the scenes it’s not nearly as pretty. Self-sacrifice, hard work and difficult decisions can lead to burn out if you aren’t prepared for the fight. History shows that often, victory is just a little push more, a little longer endurance. Get the encouragement you need to keep going.

Stop the Presses! Or Start Them Up: Practical Media Relations

(Hal) Presented at HSLDA International Leadership Conference. What do we do when the news is bad? Do we always have to play on the defensive? The answer is a firm NO — with a proper understanding of how the media operate and a strategic approach to dealing with them, it is possible not only to minimize the impact of bad news but to actually generate positive news for homeschooling and our organization. Hal, speaking as both a veteran homeschool leader and an experienced investigative journalist, explains how to handle print and broadcast interviews, write effective press releases, and cultivate relationships with the media. Micheal Smith of HSLDA said every homeschool leader should listen to this workshop.

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