Homeschool Beginners’ Boot Camp

Got Young Children? Thinking About Homeschooling?

This is the place for you!

When we started homeschooling, we were desperate to talk to real veterans, folks who’d been there, people who’d made it all the way.

There were hardly any.

That was nearly 20 years ago. Things are different now, but it’s still a pretty alarming proposition to take on your children’s whole education.

We were full of questions you may be asking, too:

Will they have friends?

Can I do this?

What about that subject?

Can they get into college?

Once we’d made the decision, the questions only got more pressing:

How do you do babies and toddlers and get any school done?

When do you start?

How do you know what they’re ready for?

How do you choose a curriculum?

What are learning styles?

What do you mean by Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, Classical Education and all that?

How do I plan what to do?

Where do I find encouragement?

AND, what in the world happened to my housework???

There’s GREAT news!

We’ve put together one of our enormously popular Boot Camp LIVE webinar series exclusively for young families starting out on the homeschool journey! Join us, Hal & Melanie Young, virtually right in our living room to discuss all these things and many more. See us on video, hear us, see the slides, chat with others and ask questions right in the middle! It’s a Boot Camp for sure and it’ll get you ready to roll!

Hal & Melanie Young, the authors of the 2011 Book of the Year, Raising Real Men, are parents of eight children homeschooled from the beginning including two graduates. Hal and Melanie have served on the Board of Directors of North Carolinians for Home Education for over 14 years, including three terms as President for Hal. They have published articles with Homeschooling Today, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Homeschool Digest, TEACH Magazine, and Homeschool Enrichment and are popular speakers at homeschool conferences all over the United States and Canada.


Sign up to join us for five sessions on Tuesday evenings at 8pm EST, beginning on August 6th. Sessions will be entirely recorded in case you miss some! Just $39!



Special $15 Early Bird Discount for a Limited Time Only, so Sign Up Now for $24!!